Sales Bill of Materials

Live Demos

Demos are an effective tool to enabling prospect imaginations with a connection to real-life problems they experience. To understand this more deeply, click here to download my Demo Planning Document.

Battle Cards

By summarizing each competitor with information that's updated regularly, concerning positioning, pricing, and the like, we're able to build our own corporate intuition of the competitive space and arm our sales team to ensure our win-rate increases from focused product value.


Sometimes all a prospect needs is technical validation that the tool is suitable for their sensitive requirements. This can be achieved by providing rich information in the form of deeper semi-technical dives, with opportunities to ask questions, during online webinars.

This is also a good way to validate if a direction or feature might gain market interest.

Sales Qualifying Questions

Helping a prospect understand the problem we can solve, by taking them to a place where they can almost feel it happening, can be achieved with effective sales qualifying questions.

As an example:

How many billing cycles pass until you're made aware of overages from the company's shared telecom plan?

Last updated