Marketing Bill of Materials

Though it's considered to be a more traditional approach, the product marketing bill of materials maintains repeating artifacts that can still be found in enterprise products today. The power of these deliverables is in their foundational contribution to all product marketing efforts moving forward.

This includes

Boilerplate Statement

An overview boilerplate statement of the product, which utilizes the following syntax:

<CompanyName> is a <ProductType> for <TargetRoles> that
<ValueProposition1>, <ValueProposition2>, and <ValueProposition3>
for <OptionalCompetitiveDifference>

Cold Bore Technology is a sensor-to-cloud completions solution that equips leading industry operators with data-focused infrastructures, smart processing capabilities, and actionable real-time services data unified on a single timeline.

Three Value Propositions

See the following document:

pageUse-Case/Value Mapping

Feature/Benefit Lists

After establishing a list of validated features, develop standardized descriptions for each (which remain largely functional) paired with their related benefit.

Example Outputs from Foundational Content: Recorded Demos

Enable repeatable campaigns with a recorded version of the product demo that's short enough to maintain audience attention, while effective enough for them to imagine themselves using the tool. This required full understanding of core value propositions and how features produce benefits. (Yes, this is my "Customer Service" voice)

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