Task 1: Target Group Focus

Determine product incentives' level of appeal for each target group

  1. Create a table that lists the target groups in the far-left header column and lists the established Product Incentives along the top header row

  2. For each target group, ask: "Why would [TargetGroup1] care about [ProductIncentive1]" It's important to be as honest as possible during this exercise

  3. Record your answers in their appropriate cells

[Target Groups]Data InfrastructureShareable DataActivity Data Recognition

Data Focused Executives

  • Data strategies largely experimental and can't afford long-term hardware infrastructure plays

  • Wants to allot most of budget to data team competencies over infrastructure

  • Have biggest stake in acquiring insights that will impact enterprise

Easier to validate investment if serving multiple departments (including those outside data-focused depts)

Would want more activities detected but with more flexible formatting

Completions OSRs

Does not care about data management infrastructure

If given easy reporting, will enable smooth operations and team member accountability (fleet)

Ability to maximize efficiencies during operations is the point of the completions fleet to begin with

Frac Engineers

Only those engineers who focus on data diversity for plan design will care

Enables their holding onsite personnel accountable for reporting accuracy

Enables better and more comprehensive frac plans

Last updated