Task 3: Product Incentives

Identify value propositions, positive outcomes, or requirements that the customer perceives as most important or most impactful

  1. As an individual participant in the group, take three sticky notes and on each of them: write down a product incentive (value proposition, positive outcome, necessary requirement) that you believe we deliver to our customers

  2. Place the sticky notes on a wall and review each of them together

  3. Group similar Incentives together and eliminate redundancies

  4. As a group, select the three most important incentives from those remaining

  5. Discuss what those incentives might mean from each participant's perspective and record "Why it's important"

IncentiveTitleWhy it's important


Data Management Infrastructure

Data acquisition methods, processes, and tools are well established for the Drilling vertical but not for completions - data is broken across well lifetime stages


Shareable Data

Enabling a system that shares data across departments ensures that we do not have to build 2 separate platforms; since we instead can approach the customer as an enterprise organization (instead of by department)


Well Activity Recognition

Give us competitive edge

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